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Good News for October 16, 2024

Writer's picture: St. Raymond of PenafortSt. Raymond of Penafort

This past weekend, Deacon Bill Bradley reached out on stewardship. He did a very fine job. There are numerous passages in the Bible dealing with stewardship. In 1 Peter 4:10 we read that “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.” In 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 St. Paul writes, “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”

People have sometimes asked me how to give, what to give, and when to give, in addition to how much to give. Those are good questions.

As a first attempt towards transparency, the Finance Council, our Director of Finance/Accounting and I provided a summary on the current financial picture of St. Raymond. Over the next few weeks, I’d like to do a few more things. First, let me provide an overview of the material goods of the church. This would be primarily buildings and grounds. Second, let me write about the activities associated with the pastoral, spiritual, material and social functions of the parish. Third, (to quote Mrs. Cooper) let me tell you what we need. I’d also like to prioritize those needs to give an indication of what is most urgent, and what items have time to be addressed.

Last year we contracted with GAC Associates in Ardmore, PA. They are a property inspection company led by real estate professionals. We asked them to perform a “commercial property inspection and environmental assessment.” They were tasked to look at our campus and the buildings, both inside and outside. We instructed them to go into great detail - almost the worst-case scenario. They delivered a 101-page report to the Finance Council and me in April of this year. This gave us a clear, honest picture of the conditions of our church facilities. We now have data to determine what needs to be repaired, what needs to be replaced, how serious are the needs and, thus, what is a timeline when this should be done. 

My intention was to take this information and combine it with several other projects parishioners have suggested. One would be the renovation of the classrooms and other space below the church. (the “Old School”). The earlier vision was to transform this location into a Parish Center with space for meetings, adult and youth education and socializing. A second project would be to improve the physical access to our buildings. This would provide better and easier access for people with handicaps or mobility challenges. A third area would involve a cooperative venture with the Independent Mission Schools (IMS) of Philadelphia. St. Raymond is an IMS School. The IMS Board is looking to upgrade the fire alarm and security systems of several of their institutions. The discussion arose whether St. Raymond Parish would be interested in sharing the costs and simultaneously install these systems in the church and rectory space.


These are big dreams. They are big projects. They involve a combination of honest discussions, financial assessment, funding and fundraising. clear-eyed planning and decision-making, and committed parishioner support working with professional project management.  I’ve been involved in the successful completion of projects like this in previous assignments. It’s exciting. If parishioners want to, it’s also do-able.

We have begun to crunch the numbers. Next week, I’ll start providing some details.

Fr. Charles Zlock


Follow me on social media!


Good Things are Happening at St. Raymond!

A Huge Thanks for an Unforgettable Trunk or Treat!

Thank you to everyone who volunteered and donated, especially our Merion Mercy Academy volunteers, to make this year's Trunk or Treat a huge success! The kids (and grownups!) had an amazing time!

A special shoutout to our "Best Trunk" winners:

  • 1st Place: Tylia Pollard - Addams Family

  • 2nd Place: The Ekouevi Family - Beauty and the Beast

We appreciate all your creativity and support!


Refugee Empowerment Support Team - REST - You're Invited!

Our team of REST volunteers works with refugee families, doing everything from meeting them at the airport and providing them a place to live, to bringing them to doctors' appointments, providing language training, and helping them find a job. The goal is to provide a safe, new community for refugee and immigrant families where they will be able to thrive as self-sufficient, contributing members of society.

If you'd like to learn more and possibly join the REST team at St. Raymond, please join our next meeting on Zoom on Wednesday, October 30th at 7pm. For the Zoom link, email


LAST DAY to sign up for Anointing of the Sick

On the weekend of October 19 and 20, the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be administered at the Saturday 5 pm and Sunday 8 am and 10 am Masses. Parishioners who have been diagnosed with a chronic illness (cancer, diabetes, arthritis, lupus, diseases of the heart, lung or kidney, etc.), undergoing treatment for another disease/illness, or living at a very advanced age are encouraged to receive this Sacrament.

If you qualify and desire to be anointed, sign-up sheets are available on the desk in the rear of the church, or you must call the rectory no later than TODAY October 16. No names will be accepted after this date. Should you have any questions, please call the Church Rectory at 215-549-3760.


Bibles, Boots & Backpacks are Back!

Back by popular demand, Fr. Zlock will be hosting two fall Bibles, Boots & Backpacks hikes. Click here to get all the details. Feel free to invite a friend or two!

*Note - there's a location change for October 26th! Click the link to get the updated details.


These Folks Know Their Charisms - Do You?

This past summer and into the fall, Fr. Zlock and Minta Brown each hosted groups to identify, discern and practice using their spiritual gifts (charisms) via The Called & Gifted™ Discernment Process. Over a series of 7 meetings, thirteen people explored and experimented with gifts that each personally received during baptism by the Holy Spirit. Examples of their gifts include encouragement, craftsmanship, leadership, writing, mercy, hospitality, service, and many more! Our participants learned how gifts provide the power to be a channel of God's goodness to others. We congratulate them, and ask for God's blessings. If you're interested in discovering your charisms, stay tuned for details about our next Called & Gifted sessions.


Celebrating Our Youth with Generation Grace

Do you have a child in grades 6th-8th? Please contact Brandi to get them involved in our Middle School Youth Ministry. We would love to have all our Middle School Kids involved. Brandi can be contacted at or 215-549-3760.

There is a new email address for communication relating to religious education:


Have Left Overs?

Why not package them for Caring for Friends? Containers are located in the back of the Church (in a basket on the desk on the Forrest Ave side). The one meal that you discard can be a meal for an ailing senior living alone. Frozen meals can be dropped off at the Rectory between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm.  Volunteers are also needed to deliver meals to seniors on a weekly basis. For more info, contact the Church Rectory at 215-549-3760.


Want to Learn More about your Catholic Faith?


Can You Help?


Are You Ready to Cast Your Vote?

Pennsylvania’s election is Nov. 5, 2024! If you are eligible, now is the time to register to vote or check your registration status to make sure your information is current. You must register or update your information by Monday, Oct. 21 to be eligible to vote in this election. If you are already registered and want to vote by mail, be sure to apply for your mail ballot by Oct. 29. For the most up-to-date Pennsylvania voting information, visit or follow the Department of State on Facebook and X.


Understanding Annulments: How the Tribunal Can Help After Divorce

The Tribunal is available to help people who have experienced divorce and who may wish to remarry in the Catholic Church. When a divorce occurs, the Catholic Church always seeks to balance two realities. One is the durable bond of marriage. This is God's law. On the

other hand, the Church is concerned about the spiritual welfare of the people involved. Perhaps there was some deficiency in the consent of the parties involved regarding intentions, understanding, or ability. The Annulment procedure addresses these circumstances.

hether you are divorced and want to marry in the Catholic Church or are remarried outside the Church, please visit our website.

Or, if you have questions, concerns, and would like an initial conversation with Fr. Zlock, call the rectory and schedule a time to meet with him. 215-549-3760



Matthew 9:37-38:  Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.”

Numerous needs have been communicated here and in the bulletin. Unfortunately, responses are nearly non-existent. A vibrant parish has members responding to the call for help. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Please scroll below for several opportunities. You can sign up here or complete a signup sheet on the table in the back of church (on the Williams Ave side). We want to hear from you! THE HARVEST AWAITS!

Volunteer Opportunities


We are in urgent need of support from those with basic technology skills:

  • Slide Operators – manage slides shown on TV screens during 5 pm, 8 am or 10 am Mass

  • Camera Operator – manage live streaming of 10 am Mass via YouTube

  • YouTube Host – Engage with parishioners during 10 am Mass

Requirements are a love for your parish, and a willingness to learn and serve. Teenagers and adults can contact Brandi at 215-549-3760.

To volunteer for any of the above tasks, please complete this form and someone will be in touch soon! Or, call Brandi at 215-549-3760.


Part-Time Employment Opportunity

We are searching for a Director of Religious Education and Social Services.

This role involves coordinating faith formation, religious education, social outreach, and related activities to enhance the vibrancy, religious development, and social services of the parish. View the job description:

Please share this opportunity with anyone who might be interested!


Job Opportunities at St. Raymond School

Currently, there are three open positions: two part-time Nutritional Development Service Workers (NDS) who are responsible for heating meals, passing out meals, and ordering and receiving inventory. The hours are negotiable; however, we are hoping to have help with both breakfast and lunch. Those hired would be finished by 1 pm each school day.

Additionally, there is one Maintenance position: the individual will be required to perform duties such as sweeping, emptying trash, arranging furniture, and school grounds upkeep. The hours are from 11am-4 pm.

The hourly pay is between $15-17 dollars, depending on experience.

To apply, please visit the Independence Mission Schools' hiring website or contact Principal Harris or Ms. PJ, the Assistant Principal, at 215-548-1919.


Church Announcements

Fr Zlock is excited to invite you for a one-on-one chat where you can discuss anything on your mind. The chat is Saturday, October 19, from 9 – 10 am.

Sign up here. He's looking forward to connecting with each of you!


A Reminder about Call to Prayer

St. Raymond offers a twice-daily opportunity, Call to Prayer on weekdays at 6:30 am and at noon. Taking a little time (five to seven minutes) to turn to the Lord will remove stress and restore peace in your life. 

Call toll-free 1-877-309-2073, then enter code 319-414-445#. At 6:30 am, we reflect on God's Word. During the noon call, we pray the Angelus, reflect on the first reading of the day, and have intercessory prayer for those in need.


Donate to Support St. Raymond Church

Online giving is a wonderful way to make a one-time or a recurring gift to St. Raymond. We greatly appreciate your goodness and promise to be good stewards of your gift. DONATE HEREYou can also make a gift with your phone: send a text with the message straymond to 833-363-7471. You will receive a text that will give you simple instructions to make a gift!

Or, scan the QR code to donate.

Please note that we are no longer using Cash App as a form of payment for tithes. 

We will accept Venmo (@StRaymond-PenafortPhilly), PushPay, Parish Giving & Envelopes. If you would like to receive envelopes, please contact Brandi at and she will add your name to the list of envelope recipients. If you prefer to use PushPay, text straymond to 833-363-7471 to donate.

Collection Envelopes for September through December, 2024 have been mailed out. If you did not receive yours, please contact Brandi at 215-549-3760 or at


To our Online Parishioners

We at St. Raymond are extremely pleased that you continue to be part of our community via livestream. Although you may be unable to attend Mass in person, please remember that we need your financial support in order to remain a vibrant parish. You may give online anytime here: Feel free to contact the rectory for assistance at 215-549-3760.


Silence Cell Phones

Please remember how distracting cell-phone noises can be during Mass. We prayerfully ask you to silence your phone when you enter church, so that no one is disturbed during this holy hour.


Lost and Found

Have you lost any personal items during Church service and never retrieved them? Please check the bin in the back of Church labeled “Lost & Found." People turn in items often to the Rectory. All items turned in are put into the bin.


Church Safety Equipment

A first aid kit as well as an automated external defibrillator (also known as an AED device), are located in the sacristy. Both are on a table to the left of the sacristy sink. This ensures that St. Raymond has sufficient means to address significant medical emergencies during liturgical events.


Financial Facts

We thank those parishioners who, recognizing God’s gifts to them, make their response in our weekly collection. Your continued support is vital, necessary, and deeply appreciated.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Budgetary Goal: $13,500.00

Collection & Envelopes: $3,712.00

Electronic Giving: $6,479.00

Monthly Church Maintenance: $215.00

Stewardship: $2,686.00

Amen Foundation Missions: $50.00

Total: $13,142.00


There's Still Time to Contribute to World Mission Sunday



The Amen Foundation is a Catholic, tax-exempt, non-profit organization founded in 1990. It is based in Washington DC and run by dedicated volunteers and missionaries. Its mission is to promote, support, and strengthen Catholic religious vocations and ministries throughout the world. The Foundation works through partnerships and targeted assistance with dioceses, to seminaries, convents, religious formation centers and institutes, as well as catechetical and human development centers. Many of the beneficiaries over the years are non-English speaking African missionaries and others, who would otherwise not have had meaningful contacts with the American Church. 

Hundreds of missionaries who have benefited from the Foundation’s mission now serve our Church and society on five continents, especially in Africa. They reach out through pastoral ministries, basic education, basic healthcare, food security, human rights issues, and other social justice ministries.

Because many missionary associates work under very harsh conditions in Africa and around the world, they often need assistance for their work and for outreach ministries among the world’s poor. Some of the most recent visiting missionaries and Mission appeal preachers have come from Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Liberia, Kenya, Burkina Faso, South Africa, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Amen Foundation has a special ministry of support and hospitality to respond to their needs:

1.      Women religious community formation and educational programs in Sierra Leone

2.      Theological education of seminarians in Nigeria and Sierra Leone

3.      Evangelization and peace ministry outreach in South Africa and Ghana

4.      Diocesan justice and peace ministry support in Burkina Faso and Sierra Leone

5.      Partnership program of computer literacy and education for youth in Nigeria

6.      Missionary hospitality ministry in Washington DC

7.      Food security mission farm project and mental health centers in Sierra Leone

Rev. Fr. Paul M. Sandi, JCL, is the Chancellor of the Catholic Diocese of Bo in Sierra Leone, West Africa. He was a lecturer in Canon Law at the St. Paul’s Major Seminary, Freetown. He is currently the Mission Director at the Amen Foundation. His principal duties are to coordinate partnerships with Dioceses or organizations and the Missionary Cooperative Plan. For more information, contact the website at Washington DC.


Calling all Young Adults!

Sign up for Fr. Zlock’s Young Adult WhatsApp community for prayers, videos, reflections and events for the young adult community. Click here to join the group.


Connect with Us Online

Be part of our awesome virtual community! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to get the latest scoop, see fun pictures, and hear about our exciting events.


All You Need is Beatles

Monaghan Music presents "All You Need is Beatles: Songs and Stories", performed by local musician Bill Monaghan and his Mop Top Band, at Archbishop Wood High School in the Sophia A Friedman Auditorium, 655 York Road, Warminster PA 18974 on Saturday, November 2 at 3 pm. Suggested donation $15; general seating, and all ages are welcome. All proceeds to benefit the Michael S Monaghan Scholarship Fund at Archbishop Wood High School.

It was 60 years ago this year when the Beatles arrived in the USA. What more reason do we need to celebrate the legendary music of the Fab Four? Bill Monaghan is a Bucks County singer, songwriter, musician, and producer who is active in the community and has original music sales worldwide. Join Bill and his band for an afternoon of the magical music of the Beatles.

For more information about the Michael S Monaghan Scholarship, visit

Contact: Bill Monaghan at 215.357.3370 or email


Save the Date for St. Raymond Confirmands!

Bus transportation to the Cathedral is available. It is $10 per person, and you can call St Athanasius at 215-548-2700 if you would like a seat on the bus.


Black Catholic History Month


Mental Health Matters


Mother Mary Lange Lecture in Black Catholic Studies

We invite you to join us for the fourth annual Mother Mary Lange Lecture in Black Catholic Studies on Thursday, November 7, at 7 p.m. in 132 Driscoll Hall at the Fitzpatrick College of Nursing on the Villanova University campus. This year's keynote speaker is Kim Harris, PhD, Associate Professor of African American Religious Thought and Practice in the Department of Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University. In addition to teaching courses on Black liberation and Womanist theologies, Harris leads music in a variety of liturgical and academic settings—as a liturgist, composer and recording artist, presenting lectures on the music of the Black Catholic experience, the spirituals of the Underground Railroad and the freedom song of the modern Civil Rights Movement. 

The Mother Mary Lange Lecture, Villanova's signature event for Black Catholic History Month, is free and open to the public. Seating is limited. Please register here or visit the Mother Mary Lange Lecture homepage for more information on program details, registration and parking. 

FREE Transportation for St. Raymond church members!

Through the generosity of Villanova University, complimentary round trip motorcoach bus transportation is offered to St Raymond church members. However, reservations must be provided no later than Tuesday, October 15th. Please contact Brandi at 215-549-3760 if you plan to ride the bus departing from St Raymond.


Rachel's Vineyard - Upcoming Retreat

Friday-Sunday, November 8-10th, 2024

Rachel’s Vineyard retreats offer support and healing for those affected by the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. These retreats aim to provide a compassionate environment where participants can experience God's forgiveness and find hope for the future. They offer a safe, confidential space to process grief and move towards healing. The next one will be held the weekend of November 8-10 at IHM Spirituality Center 210 IHM Drive Malvern, PA 19355.

If you or someone you know might benefit from such a retreat, you can get help with registration by contacting Susan – 610-716-4795, or

Georgeann – 484-955-4278,


Martin Saints Classical High School

Admissions events for Martin Saints Classical High School (East Norriton, PA), during the coming school year are as follows: 

  • Open Houses October 9th, 2024 @ 7pm; November 6th, 2024 @ 7pm; February 2nd, 2025 @ (afternoon, TBD)  

  • Visitation Days  8th Grade Visitation Day: November 12th, 2024 from 8:30 am - 2:15 pm;  7th Grade Visitation Day: March 11th, 2025 from 8:30 am - 2:15 pm  

  • Shadow Days Prospective families are welcome to schedule an individual shadow day for their son/daughter. Our shadow day season will begin on October 15th and end on May 22nd. 

  • Contact Ms. Lindmeier ( to schedule your visit.  

  • Entrance Exam At present, we do not require an entrance exam for admission to Martin Saints.  Applications for the 2025-2026 school year will be available come September 2024.


Bishop McDevitt High School Reunion

Attention, Bishop McDevitt High School alums from the classes of '61 & '62! Save the date -- November 2, 2024, noon to 4 pm. Knights of Columbus Hall, 235 Limekiln Pike, Glenside PA. Cost $50. Class of '61 please contact; class of '62 contact Update contact information at


Clothing Drive at St. Athanasius

St. Athanasius Parish will be hosting a clothing drive to benefit The Society of St. Vincent de Paul on Saturday October 19 from 9-2 pm.

Look for The Thrifty Irishman truck in the school parking lot, where an assistant will be available to assist you with your donations. Please place your donations of gently used men’s, women’s and children’s clothing/shoes in plastic bags or boxes. Household items such as: kitchenware, CDs & videos, linens/bedding, games/toys, small appliances, electronics, sporting goods, books, furniture under 50 pounds will be accepted. Unfortunately, large appliances cannot be accepted.


Explore Your Faith in a New Way with Formed

Did you know that you have access to an incredible resource called Formed? This wonderful faith formation tool will allow you and your family to experience our faith in a new way through e-books, audio recordings and a great variety of movies and video teachings, including a great variety of Bible Studies. Follow these instructions to sign in.

  1. Visit

  2. Enter St. Raymond Philadelphia

  3. Follow instructions to set up your own account and be formed in Christ!


News From the National Black Catholic Congress

An all-new issue of the National Black Catholic Congress is out now. Sign up to get your copy here.


News From the Office for Black Catholics

Check out their website for important news!


Archdiocese of Philadelphia Updates

The October newsletter is available here.

Please sign up to find out what is happening around the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.


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1350 East Vernon Road Philadelphia, PA, 19150

Rectory: (215) 549-3760  School: (215) 548-1919

Copyright 2023 St. Raymond of Penafort Catholic Church. All Rights Reserved.



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Website:  Design: Gabrielle Deans   Development: 7C Communications

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