Feast of Christ the King,
The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, celebrated this year on Nov. 21, also is referred to as the Feast of Christ the King, Christ the King Sunday, or Reign of Christ Sunday. The reality of Jesus Christ as King is as old as the Gospels, but the celebration of the feast is fairly recent. As we know, secularism started to really grow in the early 1900s, if not earlier. In 1925 by Pope Pius XI stated in his encyclical "Quas Primas" that the reign of Christ is "of whose kingdom there shall be no end.”
This weekend, we will proclaim Luke 23:35-43 as our gospel passage. This is one of my favorite passages in scripture. In this passage, the thief next to Jesus on the cross says to our savior, "remember me when you come into your kingdom." Our savior comforts him by saying, "today you will be with me in paradise." The thief is struggling with so many different things in his mind and in his body at this moment, and he knew to call on our savior; what an act of beauty! Above the crucifix, the inscription read, "This is the King of the Jews." Our king brought with him to heaven his first saint at this moment! When you look at your crucifix in your room before you go to bed, remember how the king showed the love of a loving father to the point of giving up His life for each and every one of us.
Fr. Jeff

Are You Called to Be a Deacon in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia?
Who is the Deacon? He is a Minister of the Word, a Minister at the Altar, and a Minister of Charity.
Our Next Permanent Diaconate Information Session Will Be Held On:
Saturday, December 10, 2022, 10:00 AM
Holy Innocents Parish
1337 East Hunting Park Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19124
We invite Catholic men (and wives if married) between the ages of 29 and 55 to
join us for an in-person presentation with a panel of clergy about discerning a
the vocation to the Permanent Diaconate and admittance to the School for Diaconal
Formation program.
For more information, please visit https://archphila.org/deacon.
St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Appeal 2022-23

The St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Appeal 2022-23 begins the weekend of November 5 -6. Envelopes are mailed and are also in the back of the church. Your contribution is a faithful investment in the future of our Church.

How are they to believe in Him whom they have not heard? How are they to hear without a preacher, teacher, or catechist?
Our Religious Education Program is in need of volunteer Catechists and classroom aides. If you are willing to share the faith that was handed on to you with our young people, please contact Arleen Daniels for more information. 215-549-3760.

Advent Life Groups- Remember that Jesus is the reason for the season! St. Raymond Advent Life Groups started this week and continue through December 22nd. Did you forget to join a group? No worries! The material used each week will be included here for use at home. You too can experience Jesus through prayer, scripture, and reflection. A more spiritual you is the best gift that can be given! Contact Minta Brown at 610-329-7256 with any questions.

Handcrafted Olive Art Straight From The Holy Land To Saint Raymond Church
Bethlehem Olive Wood Arts products will be available for purchase at all Masses during the weekend of November 19th and 20th. Olive wood art direct from Israel will be offered. Products include Christmas gifts, crosses, jewelry, and figurines. Everything is hand carved and, at first, glance seems to be made of dead wood. Once you combine a closer look and a little faith, you can hear our art pieces narrate the story of our faith and our Savior, Jesus Christ. All proceeds will benefit Bethlehem Arts.

Thanksgiving Food Bags are available in the rear of the church as well as envelopes for monetary donations. Food donations can be left in the vestibule of the Church or dropped off at the Rectory. Monetary donations can be placed in the Sunday collection basket or dropped off at the Rectory. Please have your contributions in before Sunday, Nov. 20th. If you or someone you know are in need of a Thanksgiving Food Basket, please contact the Rectory Office at 215-549-3760.

Supported by the Office of Black Catholics (215) 587-3541 Join us on Facebook and Instagram

11/17/2022 Memorial of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious

A faithful wife and mother loses her husband and becomes a model lay Franciscan. Elizabeth of Hungary’s parents betrothed her at the age of four to a young German nobleman named Ludwig and sent her away as a child to live in his family’s court. Elizabeth wed Ludwig when she was fourteen and he twenty-one. Only in a post-industrial age have the teenage years been understood, in some countries but not all, as a time of self-discovery, boundary-pushing, rejection of tradition, and excuse for total confusion. Puberty, not the entire span of teen years, was historically understood as the passage to adulthood, responsibility, and professional life. It was typical of her era, and many other eras, that Elizabeth would marry at fourteen. She was ready and became a contented, serious, and successful wife and mother, bearing three children while still a teen.
Before Ludwig left on the Crusade in 1227, he and Elizabeth vowed never to remarry if one were to die before the other. Then Ludwig died on his way to the Holy Land. Elizabeth was distraught but fulfilled her promise. So at the age of twenty, her already pious and prayerful soul waded into deeper Christian waters. Her mortifications became more rigorous, her financial generosity more total, and her prayer time more all-consuming. Most of all, Elizabeth’s life now began to revolve almost uniquely around the poor, the aged, and the sick. She opened a hospice near a relative’s castle, and there welcomed anyone in need.
Elizabeth also fell under the spell of a charismatic and overbearing spiritual director who insisted that she make the most severe emotional and physical sacrifices in her quest for perfection. As a sign of her commitment to the poor and to aid her in conquering herself, Elizabeth took the habit of a Third Order Franciscan in 1227. Franciscanism spread like wildfire throughout Europe, and Elizabeth was not the only noblewoman far from Assisi to be drawn to the message of Saint Francis so soon after his death. A native Hungarian, who came in search of Elizabeth in Germany at this time, was shocked to find her dressed in drab grey clothes, poor, and sitting at a spinning wheel in her hospice. He begged Elizabeth to return to her father’s royal court in Hungary. She refused. She would stay near the tomb of her husband, stay near her children, now in the care of nuns and relatives, and stay close to the poor whom she loved so much.
Most likely worn out by her austerities and near constant contact with the sick, Elizabeth died at twenty-four on November 17, 1231. Miracles were attributed to her intercession soon after her burial, and testimonies to her holiness were collected so rapidly that she was canonized by the pope just four years after her death. In 1236 a shrine was dedicated to her memory in Marburg, Germany, and her remains were transferred there amidst a great ceremony. Pilgrims continued trekking to her shrine throughout the middle ages until a Lutheran prince, full of dissenting Protestant spit and vinegar, removed Elizabeth’s relics from her shrine in 1539. They have never been recovered.

Congress XIII (2023)
Announcing the Congress Theme — “Write the Vision:
A Prophetic Call to Thrive”
July 20-23, 2023
The Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center
201 Waterfront Street, National Harbor, MD 20745 https://nbccongress.org

Black and African Popes

Of Roman African descent, Pope Victor reigned from 189-199. According to an anonymous writer quoted by Eusebius, Victor excommunicated Theodotus of Byzantium for teaching that Christ was a mere man. However, he is best known for his role in the “Quartodeciman controversy,” which decided whether Easter could be celebrated on another day besides Sunday. The verdict: “on the Lord’s Day only the mystery of the resurrection of the Lord from the dead was accomplished, and that on that day only we keep the close of the paschal fast.” Despite this disapproval, the general feeling was that this divergent tradition was not sufficient grounds for ex-communication.

A native of Africa, Miltiades was elected pope in 311 to fill the vacancy left by the banishment of Pope Eusebius in 309 or 310. The year 311 saw an end to the persecution of Christians through an edict given by Emperors Galerius, Licinius, and Constantine. The Church was able to regain possession of all buildings and items confiscated during the persecution, and Miltiades saw the defeat of Maxentius, emperor of Rome, by Constantine through divine intercession and the resulting elevation of Constantine, a convert to Christianity, to the emperor. Through ties to Constantine, Miltiades acquired the Lateran Palace as a residence and the seat for the administration of the Roman Church. Miltiades is credited with issuing a decree against fasting on Sundays or Thursdays. He was pope from July 311 until his death in 314.

Gelasius was of African origin, born in Rome. As pope, Gelasius dealt firmly with threats to the Church of Rome from schismatics and was unyielding against attempts to compromise the papacy and the Church. He wrote: “There are two powers by which chiefly this world is ruled: the sacred authority of the priesthood and the authority of kings. And of these, the authority of the priests is so much the weightier, as they must render before the tribunal of God an account even for the kings of men.” Gelasius was a prolific writer and composed hymns, collects, a Missal, and many letters. He held a spirit of prayer, penance, and study and was a true father to the poor. He was Pope from 492 to 496.
News from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Friday, November 18 – Sunday, November 20
Event: Sisters in Christ – Reclaiming Sacred Rest
We are pleased to have Jeannine Peters, Heather Makowicz, Nicky Verna and Jillian Buhl as our retreat leader team! The event includes Mass, Adoration, Conferences, and much more! Join us as we Reclaim Sacred Rest in so many ways!
Location: Malvern Retreat House, Family Life Center, Malvern PA
More info: Registration is required for this event.
December 2 - 4, 2022
Event: Sister-To-Sister Weekend Retreat for African/Black Catholic Women. Sister-To-Sister Weekend Retreat is an annual event for Catholic and non-Catholic Women, who want to spend some quality time and to deepen her relationship with God. More Info: Flyer - Arrival Time: Friday @ 4:30 PM - Departure Time: Sunday after 11:00 AM Mass; Cost: $110
Friday, December 2 – Sunday, December 4
Event: Traditional Men’s Retreat with Jeff Cavins (in person and virtual option)
We are pleased to welcome back Jeff Cavins, Bible teacher, speaker and host of “Life on the Rock” on EWTN to lead this weekend retreat for men of all ages and backgrounds. This retreat will include Mass each day, talks by Jeff, adoration and time for personal reflection.
Location: Malvern Retreat House, 315 S Warren Ave, Malvern PA
More info: Registration is required for this event. Contact the retreat house at 610.644.0400
(Discount is available if you need it)
To register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdu0yXfWIPqOAFn7mgIIUAbCE1IfEEdXmir2ZmqvoplboaqTQ/viewform?usp=pp_url
Friday, December 9, 2022 – 7pm-9pm
Event – Multi-Cultural Benefit Concert
Location - Holy Innocents Church - 1337 E. Hunting Park Avenue, Philadelphia
More Information - This free-will donation multi-cultural benefit concert will showcase the talents of our diverse parish while raising funds for the Young Adults attending World Youth Day. There will be praise and worship in different languages, raffles, and refreshments! Please see the flyer for more information. Ample free parking available!

Attention! Attention!
Men of St. Raymond
Save the Date March 4, 2023
Man Up Philly 2023 will be here before you know it. Please reserve the date on your calendar. More Information to follow in the months to come.
Let's bring people back to the pews.

We ask parishioners to sign up to answer a question about their faith and why they worship at St. Raymond. After the interview, we would like to post it on Social Media and play it before Mass.

Can you help?
Does it sound like something you can do?
Call the office and let us know.
( We would like the interviews to air by November 19th)
