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Writer's pictureSt. Raymond of Penafort

Good News for November 1st

In his book Scrappy Church, author Thom S. Rainer writes about “turnaround churches.” They are communities whose congregations have experienced remarkable transformations. All share six remarkable characteristics that led to their transition.

The six transition factors are relevant and important to St. Raymond Parish. They go to the heart of what excellence in a parish looks like. They also are a reminder, and a challenge, to individuals about our attitudes and behaviors. Let us begin to look at them.

  • Transition #1. From excuses to ownership. They do not worry about competing with other churches. They do not make excuses that their programs might be smaller than other parishes. They do not whine about the fact that people have left the parish. They say “OK, what DO we have? What CAN we do? Let’s own that.” They lean on God. They go to God in prayer and ask God to show them something. Then they stop making excuses. They take charge of something, and they lead.

  • Transition #2. From obstacles to allies. "All God’s creatures got a place in the choir." It is a pithy saying that disguises the reality that is underneath. The reality is parishioners are messy. They can be critical. They can be bullies. They can be undependable, fickle, demanding, and unreasonable. Granted, those types of parishioners are more the exception than the rule. Still, it doesn’t take too many difficult church members to make Church really messy.

And yet, God gave us the members that we have for a reason. Turnaround churches look at parishioners and each other with a distinct perspective. Read I Corinthians 13: 4-5 “Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is not envious. It is not boastful. It is not arrogant or rude. It is not self-seeking. It is not irritable. It doesn’t keep records of wrongdoing.”

St. Paul sets a high bar. Spoiler alert! No one can hit that bar on their own. This is spiritual warfare fought with spiritual weapons. It only happens with individual prayer. People pray and ask God to give them a new heart for their existing members. They are not obstacles. They should be allies. We will continue with the rest next week.

And yet, God gave us the members that we have for a reason. Turnaround churches look at parishioners and each other with a distinct perspective. Read I Corinthians 13: 4-5 “Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is not envious. It is not boastful. It is not arrogant or rude. It is not self-seeking. It is not irritable. It doesn’t keep records of wrongdoing.”

St. Paul sets a high bar. Spoiler alert! No one can hit that bar on their own. This is spiritual warfare fought with spiritual weapons. It only happens with individual prayer. People pray and ask God to give them a new heart for their existing members. They are not obstacles. They should be allies. We will continue with the rest next week.


Pumpkin Picking at Kohler Farms

Nobody picks pumpkins like the kids at St. Raymond, not even Peter Piper. Everybody was in the spirit on our trip to Kohler Farms last week. We went on a hayride. We dashed through the corn maze. We had ice cream. And we all took home a perfect pumpkin!

Who cares that it rained?


Life Groups

Advent Life Groups start NEXT WEEK and last for four weeks. Fliers with information are in the back of the Church. Find a convenient day and time, then contact the Life Group Leader shown on the flier. Want to know more? Call Minta Brown at 610-329-7256 or email Don't forget that Jesus is the reason for the season!


Celebrating Our Youth with Generation Grace

Do you have a child in grades 6-8? Please contact Brandi to get them involved in our Middle School Youth Ministry. A delicious activity is happening next week. We would love to have all our Middle School Kids involved. Brandi can be contacted at or 215-549-3760.

Sunday, 11/12 - “Give Me S’more of Jesus”

S'mores making in the School Cafeteria and reflection


St Raymond Bling

Back by popular demand! St Raymond Bling (merchandise) will be sold at all Masses the weekend of 11/11 and 11/12. We have some of your old favorites, such as hoodies and aprons. Plus there is new merchandise, including warm St Raymond hats! Let's share the good news of St Raymond in your attire. Bling is also available in the Church office during weekdays.

Buy something for yourself. They also make great gifts!


Homecoming for St. Raymond School Alumni

Come back home to see old friends and to visit your school. The day starts with 10am Mass, followed by a reception in the School Hall. Spread the word and RSVP today!


Family Faith Formation Sessions

"Let the children come to me”

Attention Parents/Guardians: Family Faith Formation Sessions will run September 17, 2023 – June 2, 2024.

Parents with children entering grades K through 7th grade are encouraged to attend. Sessions are held immediately following the 10:00 Mass every other Sunday in the lower church. Enrollment forms are located on the desk in the rear of the church. Contact Arleen Daniels at 215-549-3760 or to receive a form via email. The greatest gift you can give your child is the gift of faith formation. If children do not experience how to live for God, the world will certainly show them how not to!


You are Invited!

St Martin de Porres Mass, with Commissioning of Fr Zlock

Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez recently commissioned ten new Missionaries of Mercy with their mandate from the Holy See. St Raymond’s Pastor, Reverend Charles Zlock, is honored to serve in the new role! This is a special ministry, focusing particularly on the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

The St. Raymond Church family is invited to witness the Commissioning Ceremony led by Archbishop Perez on Sunday, November 5 at 3:00 PM at The Cathedral of SS Peter and Paul. Please contact Brandi at 215-549-3760 if you are interested in riding in the church van.

Fr Zlock is overjoyed that the brief ceremony will be included in the annual St Martin de Porres Mass, honoring the first Catholic Saint of color.

More information is available at Catholic Philly.


Church Announcements

Prayer Teams

11/25 and 11/26 Monthly Prayer Team after Mass (always last Sunday) Bring your prayer intentions to our prayer teams and let us pray for you!

All Saints Day

Wednesday, November 1 is All Saints Day, a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass times are 8AM and 7PM.

All Souls Day Thursday, 11/2

Masses of Remembrance

During the month of November, the Church advises us to remember and pray for those who have gone before us and whom we believe are enjoying the presence of the Lord. St. Raymond’s will be celebrating our Annual Masses of Remembrance to remember all of our deceased parishioners and family members who have died in the past year. The names of the deceased will be read aloud during the Masses said on the weekend of November 4th and 5th.


Celebrate! November is Black Catholic History Month


Seminarian Appeal

The weekend of November 18-19, we will host a young man attending seminary class St. Charles Seminary. Since 1832, St. Charles has been training and forming young men for the priesthood to minister to the spiritual needs of Philadelphia and beyond. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is fortunate to have such an outstanding seminary that assists in this endeavor.

Our guest will tell us his vocation story and relate his experience at St. Charles to us. He will also ask for your generous support of our seminary. Let's greet him with a great "St. Raymond welcome."



Thanksgiving Food Bags are available in the rear of the church as well as envelopes for monetary donations. Food donations can be left in the vestibule of the Church or dropped off at the Rectory. Monetary donations can be placed in the Sunday collection basket or dropped off at the Rectory. Please have your contributions in prior to Sunday, November 19th. If you or someone you know are in need of a Thanksgiving Food Basket, please contact the Rectory Office at 215-549-3760.


Upcoming Community Events

Malvern Retreat at St. Raymond

Please join Father Zlock, your Parish Men’s Group and Men of Malvern Retreat House for an hour of socialization, refreshment, and enlightenment into the benefits of a personal retreat experience that is a blessing to all men ages 10 to 99. This is a real opportunity to get to know your fellow parishioners in your shared walk with Christ!

Wednesday, November 1st from 7-8pm in the St Raymond Basement (Sister Rosemary Room). Call Melvin Thornton at 215-549-1105 or Atiba McCoy at 267-588-8888 for more information.


Mother Mary Lange Lecture in Black Catholic Studies

The Third Annual Mother Mary Lange Lecture in Black Catholic Studies will be held on Thursday, November 2, at 7:00 p.m. at Villanova University’s Charles Widger School of Law. There is free parking in that area of campus. We will also live stream the event.

This year’s keynote speaker is Dr. Maureen O’Connell, professor of Christian social ethics at LaSalle University. Dr. O’Connell is also the author of Undoing the Knots: Five Generations of Catholic Anti-Blackness (Beacon Press 2021).


Claver Awards Banquet on November 11th


News From the Office of Black Catholics

Sign up for news

Check out the November Newsletter for many exciting events!

New Leadership Opportunity

The Martin de Porres Foundation is offering a new leadership opportunity this Fall. The Black Catholic Service Group is forming to pray together and provide practical support for events and initiatives in the Black Catholic Community of Philadelphia. To join you just need to have a love for the Lord and be willing to volunteer at events sponsored by the Office of Black Catholics as needed. If you have 1- 2 hours a month or if you'd be willing to volunteer for special events occasionally as needed, join us on zoom for the "Black Catholic Service Group Information Session" on November 9, at 6:30 PM, Register here.

Questions? Email us at


This Week's "Go Forth" Suggestion from Archbishop Perez


Archdiocese of Philadelphia Updates

Please sign up to find out what is happening around the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

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