Throughout the month of May, we honor Mary, our Mother. This is an image of Mary under the title of Our Lady of Mercy. St. Raymond School and parish were served by the Sisters of Mercy for many decades and their goodness remains a cherished memory in the lives of many of our members. Mary is certainly a model for mercy as she follows the example and teaching of her son, Jesus. May we do the same today!
Who will you invite to join us for Mass this weekend? God needs you to do the inviting!
NEED INFORMATION ON COVID TESTING AND COVID VACCINES? Please note that vaccines are no longer offered every Friday.
As a community of faith, we hold each other in prayer each day...
FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Msgr. O'Brien (who is recovering at his sisters), Deacon Bill, Hazel S., Patti L., Bonnie W., Dolores M., Ernestine, Ed S., Ruth H., Tom S., Charles M., Carmelo C., Deacon Ralph, for victims of recent shootings in our neighborhood; and all who are sick with COVID or struggling with mental illness
FOR THOSE WHO ARE GRIEVING: For Noah in our 1st grade whose mom passed away; those grieving a loved one who died in recent days, and those who lost someone to the violence in our City. Lord, have mercy on those who have died!
FOR SPECIAL NEEDS: for peace in Ethiopia, Sudan & Ukraine, for the men being ordained and priests this Saturday, for priests being transferred to new assignments, and for recent college graduates as they look for work..
One of the hot topics in schools these days is the teaching of gender identity. It is an issue for us all to be aware of with caution.
The Pope canonoized new saints last weekend. Every story is unique. Check out these two stories!
We are currently restructuring our food pantry to better serve those who face food insecurity. We are grateful for your many kind donations but please HOLD OFF any further donations until we are ready to receive them again. Thank you!
Have Left Overs? Don’t toss them out! Why not package them for Caring for Friends? We are in constant need of a variety of meals for ailing seniors. The one meal that you discard can be a meal for an ailing senior living alone. Containers are located in the Sacristy. Frozen meals can be dropped off at the Rectory between the hours of 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM. For more info, contact Arleen at 215-549-3760.
Check out CatholicPhilly. You can sign up to receive a weekly email from them as well. Stay informed!
St. Cyprian Church in West Phila is hosting a three-night revival this week (May 16, 17 & 18) with Fr Maurice Nutt as the preacher. Join us tonight at 7 pm as Kenny Arrington and our Choir will lead the music (if you want to ride with Fr. Chirs, let him know).
Deb Gawthrop will host an IN-PERSON Grief Support Group at St. Luke Chapel House (2330 Fairhill Road, Glenside. The series has been a blessing for many people from St. Raymond. Call 215-624-8190 to save your place. Topic: Does Grief End? (June 7). Invite a friend!
Our parish is partnering with Artcinia to bring great music to our neighborhood. Please plan to be with us for the first of three concerts in 2022 on Pentecost Sunday. Tickets are $10 and are purchased ONLINE. Limited scholarships are available, contact the Parish Office.
On Sunday, May 29th we will have lunch after the 10 am Mass in the School Hall. This is free and a chance to gather as a Church Family during the Easter Season - and celebrate the Ascension of Jesus into heaven. If you plan to join us, please call the Parish Office to reserve your place, use the clipboard in the back of the Church, or email