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Writer's pictureSt. Raymond of Penafort

Good News for March 3

Today is the Feast of Philadelphia's Saint Katherine Drexel. Hers was a life of faith and trust in God that animates every aspect of her life - especially her fighting for the rights of the poor, in particular those who were Native Americans and African Americans. She is a model for each of us in one way or another, especially as we nourish before God the desires of our heart in hopes of being most pleasing to Him in all things. Mother Katherine, vehicle of God's loving mercy, pray for us!

This weekend we begin a sermon series on the victory with can have in Jesus as we seek to overcome all the struggles that are mentioned above. We start this weekend with VICTORY OVER FEAR! In addition to an inspiring and practical homily, there will be the opportunity to receive Prayer Ministry after Mass each weekend. God is mighty - let Him do something new in your life!


NEED INFORMATION ON COVID TESTING AND COVID VACCINES? Please note that vaccines are no longer offered every Friday (but they will be available this Friday - Feb. 25th). Please call the Parish Office for details.

We will be praying the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Mother before Masses throughout Lent. We are in need of people to assist in leading the Rosary. Can you sign up to help? For more information, contact Richara at

The time is now! Our parish, along with every parish in the Archdiocese of Philadlephia, will participate in this amazing survey that helps [arishes understand where people are in their walk with Jesus. PLEASE TAKE THE DMI TODAY - we need to hear from you (and it only takes 15 minutes). Our goal is to receove at least 300 responses so we need you and others in your household to participate (we have until April 3). Thank you!

As a community of faith, we hold each other in prayer each day...

  • FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Baby McCabe (in utero with some developmental issues), Deacon Bill (who is recovering well at home) Hazel Scott, Dolores, Marjorie (on hospice care), Billy, Patricia, Atiba's mother, and all who are sick with COVID or struggling with mental illness

  • FOR THOSE WHO ARE GRIEVING: The family of Hank Alston; the family of Louis Bryant (his wife Mary, his children Gloria Crittendon and Tom Bryant); the family of Carolyn Martin; and those grieving a loved one who died in recent months, and those who lost someone to the violence in our City. Lord, heave mercy on those who have died!

  • FOR SPECIAL NEEDS: that we find housing for Feenie, a single mom from Haiti who is pregnant and has two children (she is currently seeking asylum status in USA); for Shonda to find an apartment, for peace in Ukraine, for young families who are without a Church Home; for those who have not yet signed up for a Life Group (but God wants them in one this Lent)

  • We are collecting items that will be sent to help our sisters in Ukaraine. A friend of our parish is collecting items that will be sent to Poland to care for Ukrainians who have arrived there seeking help. THESE ITEMS MUST BE DELIVERED TO SAINT RAYMOND PARISH OFFICE BY TUESDAY AT 5:00 PM. Desire items are: diapers, baby wipes, feminine products, Advil or Tylenol, toothpaste and toothbrushes, socks, underwear, baby formula, dried or canned milk, dried vegetables, band aids, medical tape.

  • There have been many prayerful gatherings and protests in support of Ukraine this past week. Learn more...

  • Our school was in the news this week! Check this out!

  • Pope Francis wants our Lent to be about interior conversion!

  • Our parish has had a Food Pantry for decades. We make food available to those who are in need of a blessing. For varied reasons, those coming to the Pantry has been very low. Can you help us spread the word that we are open Thursday from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm each week? We have available a wide variety of canned goods and boxed foods. We want to help. We know there are needs. Please spread the word and help us help others.

  • Archbishop Perez is launching a renewed effort to build all Catholics into Missionary Disciples! Watch this video introduction (you will see a familiar face in the video too - it is not Fr Chris either)

  • Want some time to prayerfully reflect on your marriage? Join Father Chris and couples from across the diocese on April 2nd at Cardinal O'Hara HS in Springfield. Learn more.

  • The Philadelphia Catholic Charities Appeal has started. Learn more and pledge your support.

  • Check out CatholicPhilly. You can sign up to receive a weekly email from them as well. Stay informed!

Throughout February we learned many amazing things about the history of Black Catholics at St. Elizabeth Church in North Philly. Did you know that Saint Teresa of Calcutta spoke there during the 1976 Eucharistic Congress to our church filled with nuns (see above)? There is of course even more to learn! Join Connie McCalls for a fuller conversation on the histiry of St. Elizabeth and what it can teach us for the good of St. Raymond today on Sunday, March 13th from 11:30am to 1:00pm in the Rectory Dining Room. Watch Connie McCalls' Intro Video and Week Two Reflection and Week Three Reflection and Week Four Reflection on Black Catholic History in Philadelphia.

Life Groups start this week - we will find space for YOU. YOU MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE TO ENSURE YOUR PLACE AT THE TABLE. Want to know more? Call Minta Brown 610-329-7256 or email More information on this handout:

Deb Gawthrop will host an IN-PERSON Grief Support Group at St. Luke Chapel House (2330 Fairhill Road, Glenside. The series has been a blessing for many people from St. Raymond. Call 215-624-8190 to save your place. Topics are: Tasks of Grief (March 29); Dealing with Special Days (April 12); Physical Symptoms of Grief (April 26); Grief & Family (May 10); Myths about Grief (May 24) & Does Grief End? (June 7). Invite a friend!

So...what do you think? Please MAKE TIME TO SHARE YOUR OPINION ON THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH. If you want to participate at the diocesan level... St. Malachy Church (near Temple) will host a listening session on Saturday, April 2nd (9 am to 11 am). Please REGISTER. Stay tunes for future dates to gather and talk through things - including gatherings throughout the summer at St. Raymond.

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