In this Issue:

Luke 9:28b-36
Stand in God's Glory
~ Dennis M. Mueller
Saint Albert the Great Church + Huntingdon Valley, Pa.
I love hearing this story every year, but what always strikes me is the reaction of Peter, James, and John. In Luke’s version of events, he implies that Peter and his companions were asleep at first when Jesus revealed himself in all his glory. When I read that, I recall the times when the Lord tried to break through into my day to reveal his love and his presence to me, but I was too weary from work, worry, and a seemingly endless to-do list to even notice. However, when I do take notice, when God does manage to catch my attention and insert his foot into the door of my heart, boy, do I become fully awake!
I can relate to the awe that overwhelmed Peter, James, and John in the moment because I experience a similar awe when I am aware that God is revealing himself to me. Who am I, but a speck of dust in the grand scheme of the universe? And yet, I am a speck of dust that God finds worthy of his attention and infinite love. To know that God is revealing himself to me in the kindness of a stranger, the love of my wife, the hug of my child, and most especially in the intimacy of the Eucharist is a humbling experience that moves me to want to build my own tent so that I can live in that moment with the Lord for as long as possible.
Jesus wanted his three closest friends to know who he truly was, and so he revealed himself in all his glory out of his love for them. This Lent, I will fight the slumber so as to stand in awe of God’s glory and rest in his infinite love.

Don't miss our Lenten Sermon Series

Join us for weekend Masses throughout Lent as Fr. Zlock and Deacon Bill share a special Sermon Series on the Seven Deadly Sins. Learn why these sins are considered "deadly" and how the Seven Virtues can help us overcome them.
Join our Bible Study!

Many Catholics want to read the Bible because they know it is God’s Word, but they give up because it seems so complicated. Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible helps you get the “big picture” by showing how fourteen narrative books of the Bible tell the complete story from Adam and Eve to Christ and the Church. Presenter Jeff Cavins shows you how to read the Bible so that you can actually understand it.
Can't make it in person? Join us on Zoom! Simply click this link at 6:30 pm to join the call.
Click here to download the Week One study guide.
Learn how to Pray in our Book Study

Have you ever felt like you're not sure how to pray? Are you curious about meditative prayer? Join our seminarians, Bernie Faia and Luke Lenhard, as they guide you in learning how to have a real conversation with God, using the book Conversation with Christ by Peter Thomas Rohrback as a guide. To RSVP, email
Encounter God’s Mercy This Lent

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a powerful gift that renews our relationship with God, offering us His mercy, healing, and peace.
To help you prepare your heart for Easter, we are offering two special opportunities for confession, with several priests available.
No matter how long it has been, God is always ready to meet you with love and compassion. We invite you to take part in this experience of renewal and grace!
Palm Sunday and Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday
April 12 @ 5 pm
April 13 @ 8 am
April 13 @ 10 am
Holy Thursday (Mass of the Lord’s Supper)
April 17 @ 7pm (No 8 am Morning Mass)
Good Friday (Service of the Lord’s Passion)
April 18 @ 3pm (No 8 am Morning Mass)
Good Friday (Stations of the Cross)
April 18 @ 7 pm (No 8 am Morning Mass)
Decorating the Church for Easter Saturday
April 19 at 9 am
(No 8 am Morning Mass)
Easter Vigil (Vigil Mass)
April 19 @ 7 pm
(No 5pm Vigil Mass)
Easter Sunday
April 20 @ 8 am
April 20 @ 10 am
Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Easter, April 20th after the 10 am Mass for ages 12 and under. We are asking for candy donations (please no peanuts; individually wrapped candy only) and plastic eggs. Please drop off in the box in the back of the Church or the Church Rectory during the week between 9:30 am - 4:30 pm. Your kindness is greatly appreciated!!

Take the DMI Survey Today!
Our parish, along with every parish in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, is participating in the amazing survey that helps parishes understand where people are in their walk with Jesus. From today through April 10, please take this short survey and share it with your family members who also attend St. Raymond!
Catechumens to Make First Public Commitment
On Sunday, March 9, three Catechumens—Jamir Whitting, Lily Jones, and Quintin Davis—took their next step toward becoming Catholic in the Rite of Sending during the 10 AM Mass. Later that afternoon, they participated in the Rite of Election at the Cathedral, where the bishop formally recognized them as ready for baptism. Now called the Elect, they will continue preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. Keep them in your prayers as they journey toward full membership in the Church!
Sign up for Anointing Mass by March 19

On the weekend of March 22-23, the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be administered at the Saturday 5 pm and Sunday 8 am and 10 am Masses. Parishioners who have been diagnosed with a chronic illness (cancer, diabetes, arthritis, lupus, diseases of the heart, lung or kidney, etc.), undergoing treatment for another disease/illness, or living at a very advanced age are encouraged to receive this Sacrament.
If you qualify and desire to be anointed, sign-up sheets are available on the desk in the rear of the church, or you must call the rectory no later than March 19. No names will be accepted after this date. Should you have any questions, please call the Church Rectory at 215-549-3760.
REGISTER NOW: May 3 Info Session at St. Raymond
The St. Raymond school hall will hold an information session on the Archbishop's letter on May 3, from 9 to 11 am. Please sign up for a conversation about our Church. Your voice and presence are essential as we plan a new way forward together as the Catholic Church of Philadelphia. Learn more about the vision for us to come together to encounter each other with open hearts to build the strongest possible Church of Philadelphia. Sign up here.
You can read his entire letter at
Job Opportunity at St. Raymond
Pastoral Associate for Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation (Part Time)
Prepare young Catechumens and Candidates, as well as Catholic students of St. Raymond School, for Sacraments.
Coordinate scheduling and parent communications for Sacraments and Sacramental Preparation
Main Catechist for school children using Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program
Coordination of Children’s Liturgy of the Word during Sunday Mass
Please contact Fr. Zlock at or 215-549-3760, Ext 1 to apply.
Want to Learn More about your Catholic Faith?
The Order of Christian Initiation in Adults (OCIA) is under way. This is for any adult and teen 16 or older, who has not received the sacraments of Baptism, Penance, First Communion and Confirmation. We meet on the first Sunday of every month, immediately following the 10 am Mass in the SRR. Jesus is calling you! “It’s never too late to decide to follow Jesus."
Also, anyone with a desire to have a “refresher” is welcome to join. Contact Deacon Bill or Cindy Bradley at 215-242-5725.

Parents of 5th-8th Graders: We’ve Got Something for Your Kids!
Looking for a safe, fun, and meaningful way for your child to connect with others and explore life, faith, and purpose? St. Raymond Church invites 5th-8th graders to join us every 4th Sunday for real conversations, great company, and free food!
When: Every 4th Sunday (March 23 - Dec 28)
Time: 11:45 AM - 1:45 PM
Where: St. Raymond Church
Each session unpacks a big topic designed to spark discussion and help kids think deeply about who they are and what they believe—in a welcoming and fun environment!
Spots are limited, so sign them up today!
Register here:
Your child will love it—and you’ll love knowing they’re part of something meaningful.

Support the McMillan Family with an Item from Their Amazon Wishlist
We are collecting essential items for the McMillan Family as they settle into their temporary rental while their home is rebuilt following a fire in January 2025. Any item you purchase from this list will be delivered to St. Raymond Church and then provided to the family. View their Amazon Wishlist here. Thank you for your generosity.
Prefer to donate instead?
Donate online - Please select "McMillan Family" for the fund.
Venmo - @StRaymond-PenafortPhilly - Please add McMillan Family in the note.
Mail or drop off a check or cash in an envelope labeled McMillan Family.

Recently, the bathrooms in the St. Raymond Academy, which are primarily used during Mass times, experienced flooding and will be unusable for the foreseeable future.
Fr. Zlock is sharing his first construction update as of March 10. Please watch the video and stay tuned for more. We’ll be providing updates as often as possible to keep you informed on our progress.
Please Pray

With the Feast of St. Joseph approaching on March 19, we invite you to join us in praying a 9-Day Novena to St. Joseph, the Patron Saint of Workers. As we navigate these repairs, we ask for St. Joseph’s intercession for wisdom, guidance, and the successful completion of this work.
Use this link to find the prayers to say each day. Thank you for keeping our parish in your prayers!

Eternal Rest Grant Unto Him, O Lord

The funeral services for Horace Brown will be held on Tuesday, March 18, at St. Raymond Church.
Viewing: 9:30 AM
Funeral Mass: 10:30 AM
All are welcome to join in honoring and remembering his life.
Eleven Seminarians to Attend Mass at St. Raymond
This coming Sunday, March 16, eleven seminarians will be attending the 10 am Mass. The purpose is to expose them to a multicultural style of worship. Please welcome them with our well-known St. Raymond hospitality.
Financial Facts
We thank those parishioners who, recognizing God’s gifts to them, make their response in our weekly collection. Your continued support is vital, necessary, and deeply appreciated.
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Budgetary Goal: $13,500.00
Collection & Envelopes: $13,303.51
Monthly Church Maintenance: $749.00
REST: $5.00
Easter Offering: $40.00
Easter Flowers: $75.00
Holy Land Sanctuaries: $30.00
Rice Bowl: $70.00
Social Ministry: $5.00
Total: $14,277.51
Special Collections
March 16th-Maintenance
March 30th-Easter Flowers
Two Reminders:
1) If you know someone not receiving our Wednesday email blasts, please let us know.
2) Let us know if you have not received collection envelopes for March - May.
Donate to Support St. Raymond Church
Support St. Raymond with online giving! You can make a one-time or recurring gift by clicking DONATE HERE. Prefer to give on your phone? Text straymond to 833-363-7471 and follow the simple instructions.
You can also scan the QR code to donate..

Please note: We no longer accept Cash App for tithes. You can give via Venmo (@StRaymond-PenafortPhilly), PushPay, Parish Giving, or Envelopes. To request envelopes, email Brandi at Thank you for your generosity!

Mt. Airy Baseball: Last Call!
Registration is almost closed! Seniors and AAA is waitlist only, and other divisions are filling up fast. Don’t wait! Register now to make sure your child gets a spot on a team.
If you’re interested in registering for AAA or Seniors, email and we'll add you to the waitlist.
Here are the divisions:
* Tee-Ball: 5-6 years old
* AA: 7-8 years old (nearing capacity)
* AAA: 9-10 years old (waitlist only - email:
* Majors: 11-12 years old (nearing capacity)
* Seniors: 13-15 years old (waitlist only - email:
* Ages as of May 1, 2025.
To register, click the link: MAB Spring 2025 Baseball Registration
As with all MAB activities, no child will be turned away because of financial issues. If you have questions about financial aid, email
Catechetical Convocation

This event provides an annual opportunity for the most experienced and gifted volunteer catechists and catholic school teachers to share their practical insights and best practices in teaching the faith to children.