In this Issue:
Luke 5:1-11
A life-changing act of trust
Cheryl Kehoe Rodgers, Saint Patrick Church + Norristown, Pa.
This week’s Gospel shares with us the origins of the chosen 12 – the Apostles. We meet Simon Peter, a fisherman, and after a brief interaction, Jesus tells Simon to follow him, and Jesus will teach him to be a fisher of men.
Simon Peter could have easily walked away from Jesus when the teacher instructed him to “put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch." Simon Peter had been on the water all night, with no success. What would be different now?
But Simon Peter didn’t walk away. He didn’t ignore Jesus’ instructions, despite being exhausted from a hard night’s labor. Simon Peter did the one thing that changed everything – he put his trust in Jesus.
This week’s scripture reading is a beautiful example of the good that happens when we put our trust in Jesus. Trusting in Jesus, and having confidence in his love, can, indeed, be life-changing.
I have a tremendous fear of flying. Petrified is not an over-statement. But the last time I got on an airplane, I took with me some insurance. I put my trust in Jesus. As I matured into my faith I came to know that if I accepted God’s plan for me, whatever that plan is, it’s the best thing for me…it’s what God wants from me. So, armed with that insurance, I settled in my seat, tightened my seat belt, closed my eyes, and let Jesus take over.
That one flight taught me that if I trust Jesus, trust his plan and trust his love for me – well, the stress dissipates, the anxiety falls away, and a calmness and confidence settles over me.
Simon Peter put his trust in Jesus that day on the Lake of Gennesaret – and that one act of trust from him proved to be life-changing, for all of us.
Reflection provided by the Catholic Preaching Institute.
Sister Bethany J. Welch, PhD, SSJ
by Bonnie Dalzell
When Bethany Welch was a little girl, she wanted to grow up to be a missionary.
“I suppose I’ve always been radical,” said the 46-year-old woman, who was homeschooled and raised, along with her two brothers, in a Protestant denomination -- the Free Methodist Church -- that historically supports women in ministry, racial equality, and care for the poor.
This coming Sunday, Sister Bethany J. Welch, PhD, SSJ, will profess her second vows as a member of the Sisters of St. Joseph, in a public setting during the 10 o’clock Mass at St. Raymond because she wants others to know that God continues to call His people to serve Him at every age.
The upcoming renewal of her initial vows, professed in the congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chestnut Hill a year ago, marks the second step (or the apostolic segment) of her novitiate, which followed two years of living independently as a candidate. “All told, the process takes about 10 years,” she explained.
Before writing her second letter asking to renew the vows of chastity, obedience and poverty, Sister Bethany engaged in a discernment process to determine how well she has been living those vows, in community with four other Sisters of St. Joseph in the convent at St. Luke the Evangelist in Glenside.
“We speak of the ‘pinch’ of the vows,” she explained, ruefully mentioning her fondness for extravagant lattes as one of the little things she now forswears.
In her first year of living in community, Sr. Bethany has learned much about being “contemplative in action.” In addition to personal prayer, she engages in daily communal prayer and sharing with the Sisters. “We take turns with chores in the house, and our interdependence brings us to a level of trust and openness to the ways God is working in our lives."
After years of teaching and running non-profit organizations, Sr. Bethany earned a PhD in Urban Studies and Public Policy. In 2013, she became the founder and director of the St. Thomas Aquinas Center. The Center is affiliated with St. Thomas Aquinas parish, a multi-cultural, historically black community. Its mission includes immigration services, housing, ESL, community gardening and mural painting.
Sister Bethany is now an associate director with DePaul USA, managing a transitional housing program for college students experiencing homelessness. She was recently awarded a research fellowship by Villanova University to conduct a study on this program model which uses surplus church property to respond to the U.S. housing crisis. In her present ministry, Sr. Bethany says, “I can bring people I work with to church with me and know they will feel welcome in the pews at St. Raymond.”
At the Mass on Sunday, Sr. Eileen Marnien, congregational president of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Philadelphia, will receive Sister Bethany’s vows, both sacred and practical. She will be surrounded by family and many spiritual associates, including Sr. Mary Theresa Nguyen, AOI, her sponsor during her RCIA initiation to Catholicism back in 2005.
Sr. Bethany’s spiritual journey of growing up in a family committed to faith and justice shines in her eyes. Reflecting on living in community, she said “Formation needs flexibility. In this time of uncertainty in our social history, I am certain of my call to prophetic witness.”
A reception for Sister Bethany will be held in the Sister Rosemary Room, immediately following the Mass.
Welcome, Shabay!
We are excited to welcome Shabay Bryant as our new Director of Parish and Pastoral Outreach. She will work closely with Fr. Zlock, staff, and church family to support and guide our efforts in serving those in need.
Shabay converted to the faith in 2018 and loves to join together with fellow parishioners in prayer as a member of the St. Raymond’s prayer team. She is passionate about serving the community and working with the elderly.
Please join us in giving her a warm welcome!
Black History Month Quiz - Test Your Knowledge!
Join our Bible Study!
Lent is coming! How will you prepare for it this year?
Many Catholics want to read the Bible because they know it is God’s Word, but they give up because it seems so complicated. Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible helps you get the “big picture” by showing how fourteen narrative books of the Bible tell the complete story from Adam and Eve to Christ and the Church. Presenter Jeff Cavins shows you how to read the Bible so that you can actually understand it. Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible will help you discover the story of salvation history and understand how you fit into God’s plan. This eight-session study program includes video presentations that will aid in making the complex simple.
WHEN: Mondays - March 10th through May 5th (excluding Monday 4/15 during Holy Week)
TIME: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
WHERE: St Raymond rectory basement/Sister Rosemary Room
WHAT: Just show up and be ready to enjoy the journey!
Please note that this program is offered in lieu of Lenten Life Groups. Life Groups are planned to return this summer.
St. Raymond Choir to Sing in "Music from the Heart"
Kenny Arrington will direct the St. Raymond Choir in the special benefit concert for Music Education. Buy tickets here. Use discount code ORG1.
Men's Retreat at Malvern
The Men of St. Raymond will be attending the Blessed Trinity Group Retreat February 21-23. Contact Melvin Thornton (267-441-5403) for additional information. Register here.
Men's Group Meeting
The Men’s Group meeting is Tuesday, February 11 at 7pm in the Rectory Dining Room. Anyone interested in becoming part of the Men’s Group is welcome to attend!
REGISTER NOW: May 3 Info Session at St. Raymond
The St. Raymond school hall will hold an information session on the Archbishop's letter on May 3, from 9 to 11 am. Please sign up for a conversation about our Church. Your voice and presence are essential as we plan a new way forward together as the Catholic Church of Philadelphia. Learn more about the vision for us to come together to encounter each other with open hearts to build the strongest possible Church of Philadelphia. Sign up here.
You can read his entire letter at
Job Opportunity at St. Raymond
Pastoral Associate for Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation (Part Time)
Prepare young Catechumens and Candidates, as well as Catholic students of St. Raymond School, for Sacraments.
Coordinate scheduling and parent communications for Sacraments and Sacramental Preparation
Main Catechist for school children using Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program
Coordination of Children’s Liturgy of the Word during Sunday Mass
Please contact Fr. Zlock at or 215-549-3760, Ext 1 to apply.
Want to Learn More about your Catholic Faith?
The Order of Christian Initiation in Adults (OCIA) is under way. This is for any adult and teen 16 or older, who has not received the sacraments of Baptism, Penance, First Communion and Confirmation. We meet on the first Sunday of every month, immediately following the 10 am Mass in the SRR. Jesus is calling you! “It’s never too late to decide to follow Jesus."
Also, anyone with a desire to have a “refresher” is welcome to join. Contact Deacon Bill or Cindy Bradley at 215-242-5725.
Please Pray for the McMillan Family
This week, the home of our beloved parishioners, the McMillan Family, caught fire, and they lost everything. Praise God everyone was able to escape unharmed, but they will need our support as they navigate the months ahead. If you're able to help, please consider donating to help them secure lodging, and purchase food, clothing and all the other essentials they need right now.
Ways to Donate:
Donate online - Please select "McMillan Family" for the fund.
Venmo - @StRaymond-PenafortPhilly - Please add McMillan Family in the note.
Mail or drop off a check or cash in an envelope labeled McMillan Family.
Once William and Darlene have had a chance to assess their needs, we will be sharing an Amazon Wish List of items that you can purchase for them. Stay tuned for details.
In the meantime, we give thanks to God for His protection over this family, for carrying them through these difficult times, and we earnestly pray for the full restoration of their home, their lives, and their peace.
Hungry Priests - Message from Fr. Zlock
Recently, Father Kevin Okafor was appointed pastoral Administrator for Holy Cross Parish. Yet, for a few weeks, he will be living at the St. Raymond rectory while renovations to his quarters are being completed.
With an extra person in the house, I am looking for some assistance with meals to feed a few hungry priests. We’d be happy to pay for the service.
Nothing elaborate. Perhaps meals that we can heat up on demand. We’re looking for meals for 4 days week. Dinners only. Lunch and breakfast we can fend for ourselves.
Call me at 215-549-3760 if you have any questions. Thank you!
Can You Help?
Have Left Overs?
Why not package them for Caring for Friends? Containers are located in the back of the Church (in a basket on the desk on the Forrest Ave side). The one meal that you discard can be a meal for an ailing senior living alone. Frozen meals can be dropped off at the Rectory between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. Volunteers are also needed to deliver meals to seniors on a weekly basis. For more info, contact the Church Rectory at 215-549-3760.
Gremlins in the Email
We’ve noticed some of our emails have been landing in Spam folders recently. We’re actively working to resolve this issue, but in the meantime, we kindly ask you to check your Spam folder to ensure you haven’t missed any important messages from us. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we sort this out!
Tech-Savvy Volunteer Needed!
What we’re looking for:
Someone who can help us figure out why emails are going to spam and troubleshoot other occasional tech issues, such as:
Authenticating our Gmail account (SPF, DKIM, and DMARC setup)
Google Workspace email troubleshooting
General tech support for our team
Your expertise will be a gift to our parish!
If this sounds like you (or someone you know), we’d love to hear from you! Contact us at 215-549-3760 or
Snow and Inclement Weather
In the event of severe snow, the 8 am Weekly Daily Mass Schedule will be based on the Catholic School Schedule. If the school is closed or delayed, there will be no 8 am Daily Mass that day, thus giving time to get the lot cleared for the next Mass.
Tax Information
As you prepare your taxes, Brandi in our Parish Office is happy to provide a statement for your 2024 Giving. Please call her at 215-549-3760 or email her at Statements can be picked up, emailed or mailed (mindful of delays in Postal Service at times).
Financial Facts
We thank those parishioners who, recognizing God’s gifts to them, make their response in our weekly collection. Your continued support is vital, necessary, and deeply appreciated.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Budgetary Goal: $13,500.00
Collection & Envelopes: $10,567.59
Monthly Church Maintenance: $700.02
REST: $300.00
Catholic Relief: $53.00
School Appeal: $85.00
Misc.: $50.00
Total: $11,755.61
Special Collection
Feb 9th = St Raymond School Annual Appeal
Donate to Support St. Raymond Church
Support St. Raymond with online giving! You can make a one-time or recurring gift by clicking DONATE HERE. Prefer to give on your phone? Text straymond to 833-363-7471 and follow the simple instructions.
You can also scan the QR code to donate..
Please note: We no longer accept Cash App for tithes. You can give via Venmo (@StRaymond-PenafortPhilly), PushPay, Parish Giving, or Envelopes. To request envelopes, email Brandi at Thank you for your generosity!
New Ministry for Single Catholic Women
Philadelphia Catholic Men's Conference
Catechetical Convocation
This event provides an annual opportunity for the most experienced and gifted volunteer catechists and catholic school teachers to share their practical insights and best practices in teaching the faith to children.
Catechetical Institute February Courses
The Catechetical Institute (CI) at the School of Theological Studies (STS) at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary provides affordable on-line, non-credit courses designed for parish catechists, Catholic school teachers and all adult Catholics who want to learn more and grow in their Catholic Faith. CI will be offering two courses -- Foundations of the Church and Sacraments of Initiation -- in February. The cost per course is $60.00. Registration is open online. Register here. Please contact STS at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary at 610-785-6287 or at with any questions or for more information.
Black Catholic Formation
The Office for Black Catholics has recently announced their Black Catholic Formation Program. The program aims to deliver catechesis in Catholic theology, trace Black Catholic history, explore Black Catholic spirituality, and promote faith formation/evangelization. The courses are in conjunction with St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Weekly sessions will be offered in February and March in parishes throughout the city. You are encouraged to attend. Tuition is free. St. Raymond will assist where needed. Details are available here.
Or, contact Minta Brown at 215-549-3760, extension 3