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Good News for August 2nd

Last week I began writing about my experience of the recent National Black Catholic Congress (NBCC). It was at the Gaylord Hotel and National Harbor Convention Center near Washington, D.C. I was introduced to Cynthia Battle. Cynthia is the Director of Faith Formation at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Washington, D.C. She spoke on the topic of "Mass, Liturgy, Youth and Young Adults;"


She reported that the things that our young people like about Mass are that it is a place of

community. They like being with their friends. They like that it is a place for Ministry. They find community and the Eucharist the most meaningful aspects of the liturgy.

Yet, they find Mass too intellectual, and overwhelmingly they think Mass is BORING!

Ms. Battle asks, WHY is it boring? Because they’re not engaged! We need to get them engaged vs. having them see Mass as just following rules, a place they have to, or need to, go to get something.

Before you can ask them what they can do, you need to find out where they are in their faith.

She says, "Do NOT ask them questions about the Mass. Ask them about the faith life of their

parents. Ask them to describe the faith life of the parish. Those answers will give you a clear

lens into where the parish really is in terms of its spiritual and liturgical maturity."


The youth are good learners. They are not engaged because the parents are not engaged.

Parents drop off the kids at CYO, CCD, and sacramental prep. Part of the reason is that parents do not feel qualified to teach and pass on the faith, to their children. They’re right!

If the parish spiritually forms the parents, the children will be formed. Most parishes

have done it backward. They start with teaching the kids. Parishes don’t do the hard

work to form the parents. Thus, our youth tend to wander - spiritually, emotionally,

and mentally - even before the reception of Confirmation. After Confirmation,

they’re gone. Why? Because they are following the example of their parents.

In the Vatican II document Sacrosanctum Concilium (the document on liturgy and worship) we read: “All the faithful should be led to full, conscious, and active participation in the liturgy. It is their right and duty.” So...


Fr. Charles Zlock


Eucharistic Revival – Join Us! Our world is hurting. We all need healing, yet many of us are separated from the very source of our strength. Jesus Christ invites us to return to the source and summit of our faith: his Real Presence in the Eucharist. The National Eucharistic Revival is a movement to restore understanding and devotion to this great mystery here in the United States. Stay up to date on our local celebration of the Eucharistic Revival at



  • 8/20 = Mission Appeal

8/15 Tuesday = Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

8/20 = Hospitality Sunday

8/29 and 8/30 = Monthly Prayer Team after Mass (always last Sunday)

Submit your weekly collection envelopes during your summer vacation and travels…..We are counting on you!


The Men of St Raymond (Men’s Group) will be having a Meat Raffle Fundraiser! Tickets are $3.00 each or two @ $5.00 Tickets can be purchased in the rectory office or After Mass in the rear of the church.

Drawing will be Sunday, August 27

Proceeds to Benefit Parish Youth & School

Saturday, September 9

Event: Diaper and Baby Item Drive:

World's Greatest Baby Shower

Catholic Social Services will hold a Diaper and Baby Item Drive. There are two ways to give: scan the QR code (flyer) or purchase baby clothes and gear and drop them off or have them delivered to Amy Stoner at 222 N. 17 St,

Philadelphia, Pa 19103, 3rd floor.

More info: Please contact Amy Stoner at for more info!


The Saint Raymond Church family mourns the passing of Gladys Lynch, mother of Tracy Okeke.

A funeral Service will be held on Saturday, August 12, 2023, at Saint Raymond Church. Visitation at 9:30 AM;

Funeral Service at 10:00 AM.


St Raymond is collecting School Supplies for the needs of the children in St Raymond School. We will be collecting Backpacks, pencils, crayons, lined paper & folders. If you can assist, please drop off all items in the back of the Church or the Rectory.

Thank you for your help.


Attention Ladies

Catholic Women’s Conference

Sat. Oct. 28, 2023

Registration Information Packets are located on the desk at the rear of the church. Please complete the pink form and return it to the basket provided to ensure that you are registered for the session of your choice. Please note you may only select one session.

Sign up early- the event fills up quickly!


Join us, Tuesday, August 29, from 4 pm-7 pm for our 2nd annual Meet and Greet BBQ for our St. Raymond Church and School families. Food, Games, and Music will be provided. To RSVP, please call the Rectory Office at 215-549-3760 or use the signup sheets in the back of the Church.


Family Faith Formation Classes (PREP)

Begins Sunday, September 17, 2023

Please note the new time & schedule.

On-site catechesis will be immediately following the 10:00 Mass on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month in the lower church. Parents are to attend these classes with their children. Classes will last 45 min to an hour.

At-home catechesis will be on the 2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday of the month. This new model of Catechizing children is based on Scripture: Deuteronomy 11:18-19. ” Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your

foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road when you lie down, and when you get up. Parents are the primary educators for their children, we are here to assist you in the process. If want to see a change in the world, it is up to this generation of children to bring it about. Train up a child in the way he should go; together, we can.

Let’s Just Do It!


St Raymond Church needs you!

Fr Charles Zlock has asked that you volunteer a minimum of 2 hours per month. How can you help? Please see below for a preliminary list of small, yet important activities.

Catechists; Faith Partners (RCIA); Altar server scheduling and training; Altar server robes (weekly straightens, regrouping, and periodic washing); Office volunteers: Administrative support like answering the phone and answering the door. Filling out sacramental forms for baptisms and Godparents. Ordering office and liturgical supplies. Office organization. Filing records and forms. Proofreading articles for the parish bulletin. Moving supplies to the church and office.

Mass slides operation; Camera operators; Ministry to the Sick (phone calls); Home visits to the sick report compiler, communication coordinator, etc; Candle closet inventory/purging and cleaning;

Weekly exterior campus review with a follow-up report; Counting the collection; Caring for Friends assistant/ coordinator; Church Community Builder database update; ESL volunteers; and Certified drivers for the parish bus.

The engagement of parishioners is critical to leading to a St. Raymond that is alive,vibrant, and joyful. Please contact the rectory office at 215-549-3760, Or, contact a member of the staff directly (names, phone numbers and email addresses are on the front page of the parish bulletin).


Racism has distorted our vision for too long. The time to see one another as human is now. Two women of faith (one Black, one white) acknowledge the sin of racism and proclaim a way forward – together, with respect and kindness, rooted in the example and words of Jesus.

This day of reflection will name the reality of racism and its destructive impact on each of us. Storytelling, conversation, deep listening, and ritual will provide a basis for healing individually and as a Christian community.

Philadelphia, PA 19116




As more people have returned to in-person mass, we’ve had lots of questions about joining the choir at St Raymond. If you’d like to become a part of this amazing ministry, please reach out to our Director of Music, Kenny Arrington, at so that he can set up a time to meet and conduct a voice assessment to determine where your voice may fit. We’re looking for people who are moved to Praise God through song, are humble, patient, and able to commit to attending weekly practices and singing for our 10:00 mass.


Brothers and Sisters in Christ, This week, think about your family members and your circle of friends. Who in your life does not yet know the love of Jesus? Who in your life is experiencing darkness and needs God's light? Call one of those people this week and arrange to spend quality time with them. The conversation doesn't need to be religious. Just invest in the relationship. Be present and give witness to your faith if an opportunity arises. ~Archbishop Pérez


Monday Evenings, 8 PM

Event: Virtual World Mission Rosary

Join hundreds of people throughout the Archdiocese who have regularly been praying the ROSARY LIVE! United in this most powerful prayer, we ask for the miraculous intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary to hear our intentions and renew our Catholic faith as we pray in unity for our brothers and sisters in mission lands worldwide. On Mission Mondays, we pray the World Mission Rosary, created by Venerable Fulton Sheen, in which we offer each decade for one of five Mission areas, including the US.

Location: Use this Zoom link to join each Monday:

More Info: Sponsored by the Pontifical Missions Societies (


Please log in to find out what is going on around the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.


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