This Friday and Saturday we celebrate the amazing lives of Saint Monica and Saint Augustine, a mother, and son who lived in North Africa in the 4th Century. Their lives were a gift to us all because they teach us how to love God and others! Learn a bit more about them with THIS VIDEO. PLEASE JOIN US FOR MASS THIS WEEKEND - NOTHING COMPARES TO BEING HERE. God desires us to renew our covenant with Him so join us as we taste and see how good God is day after day. Please bring a friend as well!
Our parish mourns the passing of Mrs. Claudette Williams who worshipped at St. Raymond for more than 40 years. She passed suddenly on Monday. Her funeral will be this Thursday in our Church (Viewing at 10; Mass at 11). Please keep her family in prayer. Lord, grant our sister mercy and peace with You!
Our Parish's refugee ministry (REST) has started conversations with Catholic Social Services about hosting refugees from Afghanistan when they arrive in Philadelphia. Our diocese has a representative at Four Lee, Virginia exploring the process. You are welcome to make a financial gift marked "Afghanistan" which will be shared with Catholic Relief Services who will be assisting those who remain in Afghanistan You can also DONATE ONLINE (select "Relief for Haiti & Afghanistan"). Lord, be merciful!
Dr. Mildren Jefferson, an African American physician, who died some years ago, was ama amazing hero for human rights. Please make time to learn about Dr. Jefferson.
Did you know that there is a Native American man on his way to sainthood? Read about the beautiful like of Servant of God Nicholas Black Elk
We have a need for a kind person who loves children to serve in our After School Program Monday to Friday, 3 pm to 6 pm. They can contact the school at 215-548-1919.
As we schools, workplaces, and even cities implement "mandates" on vaccines, there are ethical considerations. As Catholics, we do not have grave moral objections to the vaccine but there are matters of conscience that need to be respected. Take a minute to consider...
Need a new school for your child or grandchild? Perhaps you have a neighbor looking for a new school? Recommend St. Raymond School (we have a few openings for the new year).
The Archdiocese provides news on the local, national and international Church through its website CatholicPhilly. You can sign up to receive a weekly email from them as well. Stay informed!
Just a reminder...we are still celebrating the YEAR OF SAINT JOSEPH. Ever wonder what we know about St. Joseph in the Bible? Take a few minutes to read this wonderful article that will help you learn a good bit - information that will enrich you and which can be shared with others too!
O gracious Creator, God of all goodness and love, we lift up our Haitian brothers and sisters to You in prayer in this time of great suffering. Our hearts go out to all those who suffer from the effects of the earthquake. Grant them strength and hope in the face of all that is occurring in their beautiful homeland. God of mercy and justice, assist all those volunteers who have given so much time, energy, and resources to our Haitian neighbors. Bless their efforts to help restore and improve their lives. May the good work You have begun in them find its fulfillment in Your sight. We pray this blessing in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior. Amen. If you wish to donate funds that will be sent to Catholic Relief Services, you may place the donation in an envelope marked HAITI or donate online (select "Relief for Haiti and Afghanistan)
As we have shared before, we are transitioning to a new online system for electronic giving Parish Giving has served us well, Pushpay will take us to a new level with text to give and more (and the processing fees are less). Perhaps it is time for you to think about your sacrificial giving to St. Raymond. Please consider signing up for PushPay (and stopping other online giving accounts once that is done; if you need assistance with that do not hesitate to contact us). START HERE. If you choose to start the process from your mobile device, simply text straymond to 833-363-7471. We are most grateful for your goodness! Use this Instruction Sheet to end your giving through Parish Giving and start giving through Push Pay:
We are now using our new data system called Church Community Builder. Please watch this message from Fr. Chris and use the instructions below to take the next steps in using this wonderful new system. As always, if you have questions, contact Brandi at
There will be a film crew at the 10 am Mass on Sunday. They are producing a "commercial" for Pushpay and Church Community Builder (our new data system) and want to include our parish. They will capture some images of us at worship and in social situations after Mass. If you choose not to be filmed, just motion 'no' with your hand and they will respect that choice! Please try to attend the 10 am Mass so we can fill our pews and show St. Raymond at our very best! COVID season cautions remain in place and we believe our "best practices" are keeping us all very safe! Questions about the filming? Contact
In a recent discussion, Father Chris and the Parish Staff were having for a study course, they were challenged to reflect on the VISION and MISSION of St. Raymond. Most organizations have these simple statements that guide the WHY (vision statement) and the WHAT (mission statement) for an organization (business, church, community group, etc.). We have had a Mission Statement (on the front of this bulletin) for years. It has guided us for more than a decade. I believe it needs to be “refreshed” at this point and so does the staff. So we are proposing to you the following (this is very much a first draft and we want to gather lots of feedback from YOU and will in various ways in the weeks to come).
The proposed vision statement will motivate us to be zealous and keep us mindful of why we do what we do it: A Philadelphia that knows loves, and serves Jesus.
The proposed mission statement that will keep us focused on what we are to do (and thus, what we are to not do) is: We exist to introduce people to Jesus so they grow their faith, discover their purpose, and make a difference.
What do you think? Write Fr. Chris a note. Give him a call (215-549-3760). Send him an email at or wait for a survey to be emailed next week. Our neighborhood and City have many challenges. There is much work to do. God needs us to do it but before we begin let’s know where we are headed and how we want to get there!
Have you received the Sacrament of Confirmation? Something this sacrament is "missed" for various reasons. Please contact Father Chris at frchriswalsh@saintraymond so you can be prepared to receive the Sacrament with others at the Cathedral this November. This is for teens, young adults, and not-so-young adults! Come Holy Spirit!
Join us for our next Bible Study Series as we study a portion of the 150 Psalms - prayers used by our ancestors and Jesus Himself As we face all the challenges of this time, let us imitate the holy women and men of old as we are nourished by God's Word! Sessions are in-person or virtual, Wednesday evenings, September 22 to October 27. Please sign up today!
Father Chris is leading a crew in removing wallpaper from an office space in the basement of the former St. Joachim Church in the Frankford section of Philadelphia. The space is being transformed into The Cenacle, a center to serve families in the area, especially those facing an unplanned pregnancy. We will serve Sunday from 2 pm to 5 pm. No experience needed - just a willingness to serve with a generous heart (and a strong arm). Able to help? Contact Fr Chris at