Fr. Chris is sorry the weekly email is coming so late. The week just happened so you ever have a week like that? PLEASE JOIN US FOR MASS THIS WEEKEND - NOTHING COMPARES TO BEING HERE. God desires us to renew our covenant with Him so join us as we taste and see how good God is day after day. Please bring a friend as well!
CAMP IS HAPPENING THIS WEEK - THERE IS STILL ROOM FOR YOUR CHILD OR GRANDCHILD - PLEASE CONTACT RICHARA TODAY!! We invite our Young Disciples to join us for a week of Vacation Bible Camp (Youth ages 5-10). The camp will take place from Monday, August 23rd thru Friday, August 27th. Campers will arrive at 9 am and will be dismissed at 4 pm. Join us for a week of faith, fellowship and fun! The fee for participation for the week is $50 per child. PLEASE REGISTER YOUR CHILD OR GRANDCHILD! Please contact Richara at if you would like to volunteer for a couple of hours to support this great experience for our youth!
Jesus pulls us all through!
Our parish mourns the passing of Mrs. Claudette Williams who worshipped at St. Raymond for more than 40 years. She passed suddenly on Monday. Her funeral will be this Thursday in our Church (Viewing at 10; Mass at 11). Please keep her family in prayer. Lord, grant our sister mercy and peace with You!
Our Parish's refugee ministry (REST) has started conversations with Catholic Social Services about hosting refugees from Afghanistan when they arrive in Philadelphia. Our diocese has a representative at Four Lee, Virginia exploring the process. You are welcome to make a financial gift marked "Afghanistan" which will be shared with Catholic Relief Services who will be assisting those who remain in Afghanistan You can also DONATE ONLINE (select "Relief for Haiti & Afghanistan"). Lord, be merciful!
Did you know that there is a Native American man on his way to sainthood? Read about the beautiful like of Servant of God Nicholas Black Elk
Did you know that a favorite among many Americans is made by a small group on monks in France? It is true...
As we schools, workplaces, and even cities implement "mandates" on vaccines, there are ethical considerations. As Catholics, we do not have grave moral objections to the vaccine but there are matters of conscience that need to be respected. Take a minute to consider...
Need a new school for your child or grandchild? Perhaps you have a neighbor looking for a new school? Recommend St. Raymond School (we have a few openings for the new year).
The Archdiocese provides news on the local, national and international Church through its website CatholicPhilly. You can sign up to receive a weekly email from them as well. Stay informed!
There are many opportunities to develop your Catholic Faith throughout the Philadelphia area. CHECK THIS OUT!
O gracious Creator, God of all goodness and love, we lift up our Haitian brothers and sisters to You in prayer in this time of great suffering. Our hearts go out to all those who suffer from the effects of the earthquake. Grant them strength and hope in the face of all that is occurring in their beautiful homeland. God of mercy and justice, assist all those volunteers who have given so much time, energy, and resources to our Haitian neighbors. Bless their efforts to help restore and improve their lives. May the good work You have begun in them find its fulfillment in Your sight. We pray this blessing in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior. Amen. If you wish to donate funds that will be sent to Catholic Relief Services, you make place the donation in an envelope marked HAITI or donate online (select "Relief for Haiti and Afghanistan)
As you are aware, this week the City of Philadelphia updates its guidelines for COVID Protocols. AT THIS TIME, WE WILL NOT BE CHANGING OUR PRACTICES AT SAINT RAYMOND. Thankfully, the evidence tells us that those who are vaccinated rarely test positive, even for the Delta Variant. Those who do contract the virus (called "breakthrough cases") rarely have symptoms and only very few have been hospitalized. Thus, vaccinations are working! At this time, we are not changing our COVID Protocols at St. Raymond. You are welcome to wear a mask (the vast majority of people are wearing masks while indoors at Mass; we will not be asking for "proof" of vaccination as we want to trust one another; if you are not vaccinated, we ask that you please do wear a mask). You are welcome to choose to sit in the Choir Loft (mask only section) or in pews along the windows which are socially distanced seating. Please continue to sanitize your hands upon arriving and through your time at St. Raymond. Please remain hopeful...God delivers us from being crippeled by fear or worry...he promised! As always,
As we have shared before, we are transitioning to a new online system for electronic giving Parish Giving has served us well, Pushpay will take us to a new level with text to give and more (and the processing fees are less). As we begin our new Fiscal Year on July 1, perhaps it is time for you to think about your sacrificial giving to St. Raymond. Please consider signing up for PushPay (and stopping other online giving accounts once that is done; if you need assistance with that do not hesitate to contact us). START HERE. If you choose to start the process from your mobile device, simply text straymond to 833-363-7471. We are most grateful for your goodness! Use this Instruction Sheet to end your giving through Parish Giving and start giving through Push Pay:
We are now using our new data system called Church Community Builder. Please watch this message from Fr. Chris and use the instructions below to take the next steps in using this wonderful new system. As always, if you have questions, contact Brandi at
Baby Celeste is now at home and doing great. Please continue to pray for her and her mom and dad (Daniella and Kevin) who are settling into their new reality of being a family of four! Do not be shy in telling people about the miracle that came through prayer and great medicine! To God be the glory!
Have you received the Sacrament of Confirmation? Something this sacrament is "missed" for various reasons. Please contact Father Chris at frchriswalsh@saintraymond so you can be prepared to receive the Sacrament with others at the Cathedral this November. This is for teens, young adults, and not-so-young adults! Come Holy Spirit!