This weekend we celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. This feast is always on August 15th which this year is a Sunday. This teaching is often confusing to Christians, especially those who come from the Protestant traditions since it is not found in the Sacred Scripture. Let Scott Hahn, a former Presbyterian minister, offer his insights from the Bible that support the teaching that Mary assumed body and soul into heaven after her death. Plan to be with us at Mass this weekend...and bring a friend!
Did you read last week's BULLETIN? Have you "subscribed" to our YouTube Channel (it does not cost anything but helps us build our reach; please do so today). Worshipping in person is safe for you, please be with us! You are welcome to worship from the front lawn at the 10 am Mass. Please continue to invite your family, friends, and neighbors to return to worship or worship with us for the first time! Our world needs people committed to prayer, worship, common beliefs, and acts of charity.
We invite our Young Disciples to join us for a week of Vacation Bible Camp (Youth ages 5-10). The camp will take place from Monday, August 23rd thru Friday, August 27th. Campers will arrive at 9 am and will be dismissed at 4 pm. Join us for a week of faith, fellowship and fun! The fee for participation for the week is $50 per child. PLEASE REGISTER YOUR CHILD OR GRANDCHILD! Please contact Richara at if you would like to volunteer for a couple of hours to support this great experience for our youth!
Jesus pulls us all through!
We are used to hearing about urban Catholic Schools closing. Want some good news? Baltimore has opened a NEW Catholic School placed under the patronage of Mother Mary Lange. Read about it!
There are many debates these days about the need for systematic and institutional change. Yes, please! But how does this happen? As we understand the nature of the human person and human society, this can only happen because of individual conversion. For systems to change, each of us needs to change - read more...
Infertility can be a great source of suffering for many couples. The Catholic Church desires to walk with couples through this season, and to that end, there is a wonderful ministry called The Fruitful Hallow.
As we schools, workplaces, and even cities implement "mandates" on vaccines, there are ethical considerations. As Catholics, we do not have grave moral objections to the vaccine but there are matters of conscience that need to be respected. Take a minute to consider...
Need a new school for your child or grandchild? Perhaps you have a neighbor looking for a new school? Recommend St. Raymond School (we have a few openings for the new year).
The Archdiocese provides news on the local, national and international Church through its website CatholicPhilly. You can sign up to receive a weekly email from them as well. Stay informed!
There are many opportunities to develop your Catholic Faith throughout the Philadelphia area. CHECK THIS OUT!
As you are aware, this week the City of Philadelphia updates its guidelines for COVID Protocols. AT THIS TIME, WE WILL NOT BE CHANGING OUR PRACTICES AT SAINT RAYMOND. Thankfully, the evidence tells us that those who are vaccinated rarely test positive, even for the Delta Variant. Those who do contract the virus (called "breakthrough cases") rarely have symptoms and only very few have been hospitalized. Thus, vaccinations are working! At this time, we are not changing our COVID Protocols at St. Raymond. You are welcome to wear a mask (the vast majority of people are wearing masks while indoors at Mass; we will not be asking for "proof" of vaccination as we want to trust one another; if you are not vaccinated, we ask that you please do wear a mask). You are welcome to choose to sit in the Choir Loft (mask only section) or in pews along the windows which are socially distanced seating. Please continue to sanitize your hands upon arriving and through your time at St. Raymond. Please remain hopeful...God delivers us from being crippeled by fear or worry...he promised! As always,
As we have shared before, we are transitioning to a new online system for electronic giving Parish Giving has served us well, Pushpay will take us to a new level with text to give and more (and the processing fees are less). As we begin our new Fiscal Year on July 1, perhaps it is time for you to think about your sacrificial giving to St. Raymond. Please consider signing up for PushPay (and stopping other online giving accounts once that is done; if you need assistance with that do not hesitate to contact us). START HERE. If you choose to start the process from your mobile device, simply text straymond to 833-363-7471. We are most grateful for your goodness! Use this Instruction Sheet to end your giving through Parish Giving and start giving through Push Pay:
Since the start of the COVID shutdown last March, Rob & Lisa Barrimond have served as "Live Stream Hosts" for those joining us for online worship, They posted lyrics and responses. They engaged with guests. They made thousands feel welcome during a very difficult time. The parish is so very grateful for their generous and capable service. Thankfully, they can now get a well-deserved break as others begin to serve in this role. They are not off the hook entirely, as each remains integral to many ministries in our parish! When you see them, be sure to say THANK YOU for all of their kindness!
We are now using our new data system called Church Community Builder. The Parish Staff are learning the “ins and outs” of the system and are very excited to see the many wonderful things that can come from its many features. As mentioned, it offers a “web portal” much like the ones used in your doctor’s office or at your bank which allows you to interact with others (the Parish Office, those you serve in ministry with, those you join in a Life Group - formerly called Small Groups), check on your donations to the Parish, sign up for events and more! We know it will take many of us a while to learn but we are confident it will be a great blessing for us as a Church Family! For now, we are asking two things. First, you will be receiving a phone call from Parish Staff and our Office Volunteers in the weeks to come. They are calling to update information in our data system and we need you to spend 5-10 minutes with them or find time to call back so we can be sure our data is as best as it can be! Second, beginning next week (we promise, we are working on detailed instructions and a video) you will have a chance to create your own log-in for Church Community Builder and begin updating some of the information yourself as well as adding a photo of yourself! This is more helpful than you can imagine! Do not fear that "everything is going too technical"; Father Chris and the Staff are always ready to serve you over the phone or in person!
Baby Celeste has arrived and she and her mom are doing great! The doctors are very pleased with her medical status and she is meeting all their goals! Please continue to pray for her and her mom and dad (Daniella and Kevin) who are anxious to bring her home to meet her big sister!
Have you received the Sacrament of Confirmation? Something this sacrament is "missed" for various reasons. Please contact Father Chris at frchriswalsh@saintraymond so you can be prepared to receive the Sacrament with others at the Cathedral this November. This is for teens, young adults, and not-so-young adults! Come Holy Spirit!