Altar Servers
Young people who are in grades 4 - 8 are welcome to serve at the altar for Mass on Saturday at 5pm and Sunday at 10am. Training provided. For more information, please call the rectory office at 215-549-3760 or complete the form below.
Bethany Team
The Bethany Team members assist in making the experience of attending our Church so wonderful. All men and women are welcome to participate in this ministry, offered at both weekend Masses. To volunteer, please contact Minta Brown at 215-549-3760 or complete the form below.
Proclaimers of God's Word
Proclaiming God’s Word during the Liturgy is a privilege of the highest honor. Faithful members of our faith community who are blessed with the gift of public speaking are invited to contact our Deacon or the Parochial Administrator at 215-549-3760 to inquire about the possibility of serving as a Reader.
Our parish values excellence in song and music during our worship. During the extended pandemic period, we are mindful of needed restrictions, including limits to choir size. If you are interested in becoming a part our ensemble choir or sharing your instrumental talents, please complete the form below.
To volunteer for any of these positions, please complete this form.