December 25th 12-3pm
St. Raymond School Hall
7940 Williams Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19150
Volunteers are needed to help St. Raymond Church welcome more than 200 guests from homeless shelters across the City of Philadelphia for our annual Home for Christmas event. Everyone is served a delicious meal, has a chance to receive items from the blessing shop and gathers with others while celebrating Jesus’ birthday. More than 200 volunteers make this event possible.​
How you can help
1. Make a Donation
Donate St Raymond Home for Christmas. Cash, check, Venmo or online giving accepted. Please include HFC in the comments.
2. Take a Tag from the Giving Tree
Select a tag from the Giving Tree in the back of the church and return the gift (unwrapped) to St. Raymond before December 20.
2. Prepare a Food Item
Sign up to bring a dish from the list below. Bring your assigned dish(es) to the School Hall on Tuesday December 24, between 10:00 AM & Noon, or on Wednesday, December 25, BEFORE 10:30 AM. *All ingredients will be provided. You'll only need to follow instructions to prepare it. ​​
3. Serve on a team
Transform the Parish Hall/School gym into a beautiful and welcoming place that makes all of our guests feel like they are celebrating Christmas.
DATES/TIME: Hall Setup 12/20 7 PM
DATE/TIME: Hall Decorating 12/21 10 AM
Kitchen & Serving
Help receive and prepare food donations, take shifts working the buffet line keeping the trays filled, or make sure all dishes are washed.
DATE/TIME: Receive food donations 12/24 10-Noon
DATE/TIME: Receive food donations 12/25 8:30-10:30 AM
DATE/TIME: Serving the meal 11:30-2:30 PM
Welcome our guests, show them to a table and make sure they have all they need while they are with us; in addition, sign in volunteers and help keep people’s belongings safe at the coat check.
DATE/TIME: 12/25 11:30-2:30 PM
Blessing Shop
Sort and display all of the gifts, toys and oversee the shopping experience for our guests
DATE/TIME: Setup shift schedule TBD
DATE/TIME: Serving guests 12/25 11:30-2:30 PM​
Kids Table
Lead our many young guests in playing games, doing arts and crafts, getting manicures and more
DATES/TIME: 12/25 12-2:30 PM
Move tables and chairs into place, make sure the floors are clean and the bathrooms are working all throughout the day
DATES/TIME: 12/25 11:30-2:30 PM
Help us put things away, clean the space and get back to normal at St. Raymond until next year. Many hands make light work.
​DATE/TIME: 2:30-4 PM ​​